Results for 'Sean C. Draine'

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  1.  94
    Modeling unconscious gender bias in fame judgments.Sean C. Draine, Anthony G. Greenwald & Mahzarin R. Banaji - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 5 (1-2):221-225.
    In the preceding article, Buchner and Wippich used a guessing-corrected, multinomial process-dissociation analysis to test whether a gender bias in fame judgments reported by Banaji and Greenwald was unconscious. In their two experiments, Buchner and Wippich found no evidence for unconscious mediation of this gender bias. Their conclusion can be questioned by noting that the gender difference in familiarity of previously seen names that Buchner and Wippich modeled was different from the gender difference in criterion for fame judgments reported by (...)
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  2. The hero of timelines.Sean C. Duncan & James Paul Gee - 2008 - In Luke Cuddy, The Legend of Zelda and Philosophy: I Link Therefore I Am. Open Court.
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    Reexamining the categorical exclusion of pediatric participants from controlled human infection trials.Sean C. Murphy, Devan M. Duenas, Thomas L. Richie & Seema K. Shah - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (8):785-796.
    ABSTRACT Controlled human infection (CHI) models have been developed for numerous pathogens in order to better understand disease processes and accelerate drug and vaccine testing. In the past, some researchers conducted highly controversial CHIs with vulnerable populations, including children. Ethical frameworks for CHIs now recommend vulnerable populations be excluded because they cannot consent to high risk research. In this paper we argue that CHI studies span a wide spectrum of benefit and risk, and that some CHI studies may involve minimal (...)
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    The Ethical Implications of Organism-Environment Interdependency.Sean C. Lema - 2014 - Environmental Ethics 36 (2):151-169.
    Modern ethical perspectives toward the environment often emphasize the connection of humans to a broader biotic community. The full intimacy of this connectedness, however, is only now being revealed as scientific findings in developmental biology and genetics provide new insights into the importance of environmental interaction for the development of organisms. These insights are reshaping our understanding of how organism-environment interaction contributes to both consistency and variation in organism development, and leading to a new perspective whereby an “organism” is not (...)
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    Deductive Cardinality Results and Nuisance-Like Principles.Sean C. Ebels-Duggan - 2021 - Review of Symbolic Logic 14 (3):592-623.
    The injective version of Cantor’s theorem appears in full second-order logic as the inconsistency of the abstraction principle, Frege’s Basic Law V (BLV), an inconsistency easily shown using Russell’s paradox. This incompatibility is akin to others—most notably that of a (Dedekind) infinite universe with the Nuisance Principle (NP) discussed by neo-Fregean philosophers of mathematics. This paper uses the Burali–Forti paradox to demonstrate this incompatibility, and another closely related, without appeal to principles related to the axiom of choice—a result hitherto unestablished. (...)
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    The Nuisance Principle in Infinite Settings.Sean C. Ebels-Duggan - 2015 - Thought: A Journal of Philosophy 4 (4):263-268.
    Neo-Fregeans have been troubled by the Nuisance Principle, an abstraction principle that is consistent but not jointly satisfiable with the favored abstraction principle HP. We show that logically this situation persists if one looks at joint consistency rather than satisfiability: under a modest assumption about infinite concepts, NP is also inconsistent with HP.
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    Identifying finite cardinal abstracts.Sean C. Ebels-Duggan - 2020 - Philosophical Studies 178 (5):1603-1630.
    Objects appear to fall into different sorts, each with their own criteria for identity. This raises the question of whether sorts overlap. Abstractionists about numbers—those who think natural numbers are objects characterized by abstraction principles—face an acute version of this problem. Many abstraction principles appear to characterize the natural numbers. If each abstraction principle determines its own sort, then there is no single subject-matter of arithmetic—there are too many numbers. That is, unless objects can belong to more than one sort. (...)
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    On Number-Set Identity: A Study.Sean C. Ebels-Duggan - 2022 - Philosophia Mathematica 30 (2):223-244.
    Benacerraf’s 1965 multiple-reductions argument depends on what I call ‘deferential logicism’: his necessary condition for number-set identity is most plausible against a background Quineanism that allows autonomy of the natural number concept. Steinhart’s ‘folkist’ sufficient condition on number-set identity, by contrast, puts that autonomy at the center — but fails for not taking the folk perspective seriously enough. Learning from both sides, we explore new conditions on number-set identity, elaborating a suggestion from Wright.
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  9. Wittgenstein in America.Timothy McCarthy & Sean C. Stidd (eds.) - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This remarkable collection explores the legacy of Wittgenstein's work in contemporary American philosophy. The contributors (including several celebrated philosophers) take a variety of approaches to Wittgenstein; they discuss such topics as rule-following, realism about mathematics, the method of the Tractatus, the relation between style and content in Wittgenstein, and his distinction between sense and nonsense. Wittgenstein also is discussed in relation to subsequent philosophers such as Quine and Kripke.
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    Abstraction Principles and the Classification of Second-Order Equivalence Relations.Sean C. Ebels-Duggan - 2019 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 60 (1):77-117.
    This article improves two existing theorems of interest to neologicist philosophers of mathematics. The first is a classification theorem due to Fine for equivalence relations between concepts definable in a well-behaved second-order logic. The improved theorem states that if an equivalence relation E is defined without nonlogical vocabulary, then the bicardinal slice of any equivalence class—those equinumerous elements of the equivalence class with equinumerous complements—can have one of only three profiles. The improvements to Fine’s theorem allow for an analysis of (...)
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  11.  33
    Do wild carnivores forage for prey or for nutrients?Kevin D. Kohl, Sean C. P. Coogan & David Raubenheimer - 2015 - Bioessays 37 (6):701-709.
    A widespread perception is that carnivores are limited by the amount of prey that can be captured rather than their nutritional quality, and thus have no need to regulate macronutrient balance. Contrary to this view, recent laboratory studies show macronutrient‐specific food selection by both invertebrate and vertebrate predators, and in some cases also associated performance benefits. The question thus arises of whether wild predators might likewise feed selectively according to the macronutrient content of prey. Here we review laboratory studies demonstrating (...)
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  12.  92
    Replicable unconscious semantic priming.Sean Draine & Anthony G. Greenwald - 1998 - Journal Of Experimental Psychology-General 127 (3):286-303.
  13.  17
    The Decline in Task Performance After Witnessing Rudeness Is Moderated by Emotional Empathy—A Pilot Study.Gadi Gilam, Bar Horing, Ronny Sivan, Noam Weinman & Sean C. Mackey - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Conversation, cognition and cultural evolution.Seán G. Roberts & Stephen C. Levinson - 2017 - Interaction Studies 18 (3):402-442.
    This paper outlines a first attempt to model the special constraints that arise in language processing in conversation, and to explore the implications such functional considerations may have on language typology and language change. In particular, we focus on processing pressures imposed by conversational turn-taking and their consequences for the cultural evolution of the structural properties of language. We present an agent-based model of cultural evolution where agents take turns at talk in conversation. When the start of planning for the (...)
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    Towards an optimal model for community‐based diabetes care: design and baseline data from the Mayo Health System Diabetes Translation Project.Sean F. Dinneen, Susan S. Bjornsen, Sandra C. Bryant, Bruce R. Zimmerman, Colum A. Gorman, Jens B. Knudsen, Robert A. Rizza & Steven A. Smith - 2000 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 6 (4):421-429.
  16.  14
    The Philosophy of Arthur C. Danto.Arthur C. Danto, Ewa D. Bogusz-Boltuc, David Reed, Sean Scully, Thomas Rose & Gerard Vilar - 2013 - Library of Living Philosophers.
    Arthur Danto is the Johnsonian Professor Emeritus of Philosophy at Columbia University and the most influential philosopher of art in the last half century. As an art critic for The Nation for 25 years and frequent contributor to other widely read outlets such as the New York Review of Books, Danto also has become one of the most respected public intellectuals of his generation. He is the author of some two dozen important books, along with hundreds of articles and reviews (...)
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  17. Do subliminal stimuli enter the mind unnoticed? Tests with a new method.Anthony G. Greenwald & Sean Draine - 1997 - In Jonathan D. Cohen & Jonathan W. Schooler, Scientific Approaches to Consciousness. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 83--108.
  18.  26
    The Diagonal Strong Reflection Principle and its Fragments.C. O. X. Sean D. & Gunter Fuchs - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (3):1281-1309.
    A diagonal version of the strong reflection principle is introduced, along with fragments of this principle associated with arbitrary forcing classes. The relationships between the resulting principles and related principles, such as the corresponding forcing axioms and the corresponding fragments of the strong reflection principle, are analyzed, and consequences are presented. Some of these consequences are “exact” versions of diagonal stationary reflection principles of sets of ordinals. We also separate some of these diagonal strong reflection principles from related axioms.
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  19. Agent-based modeling: a systematic assessment of use cases and requirements for enhancing pharmaceutical research and development productivity.C. Anthony Hunt, Ryan C. Kennedy, Sean H. J. Kim & Glen E. P. Ropella - 2013 - Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews 5 (4):461-480.
    A crisis continues to brew within the pharmaceutical research and development (R&D) enterprise: productivity continues declining as costs rise, despite ongoing, often dramatic scientific and technical advances. To reverse this trend, we offer various suggestions for both the expansion and broader adoption of modeling and simulation (M&S) methods. We suggest strategies and scenarios intended to enable new M&S use cases that directly engage R&D knowledge generation and build actionable mechanistic insight, thereby opening the door to enhanced productivity. What M&S requirements (...)
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  20.  61
    Boekbesprekingen.Sean McEvenue, Theo de Kruijf, C. C. M. de Lange, Bart J. Koet, Marcel Poorthuis, Hanneke Reuling, Martin Parmentier, Jörgen Vijgen, Th Bell, Marcel Sarot, Kees van Vliet, A. H. C. van Eijk, Eric Ottenheijm, Jean-Jacques Suurmond & Arie L. Molendijk - 2000 - Bijdragen 61 (3):336-357.
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    The In-House Balance: Negotiating Professional Identity, Boundaries, and Ethical Quandaries as an In-House Sports Reporter.Sean R. Sadri, Nicholas R. Buzzelli & Andrew C. Billings - 2024 - Journal of Media Ethics 39 (2):68-84.
    The sports media landscape has shifted to favor outlets with inside access to sports organizations, teams, and athletes. This study interviews 21 NFL in-house reporters working at 19 official team websites to determine how they view their roles as sports journalists, including ethical standards and shifts in media boundaries. Qualitative interviews uncovered that cultivating a positive team image and protecting the interests of stakeholders supersede the production of objective news stories, even from those who started their careers as external sports (...)
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    Minimizing harm in possum control operations and experiments in new zealand.Michael C. Morris & Sean A. Weaver - 2003 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 16 (4):367-385.
    Pest control operations andexperimentation on sentient animals such as thebrushtail possum can cause unnecessary andavoidable suffering in the animal subjects.Minimizing animal suffering is an animalwelfare goal and can be used as a guide in thedesign and execution of animal experimentationand pest control operations.The public has little sympathy for the possum,which can cause widespread environmentaldamage, but does believe that control should beas painless as possible. Trapping and poisoningprovide only short-term solutions to the possumproblem and often involve methods that causesuffering. Intrusive experiments (...)
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  23.  42
    Mortality Differences Between Traditional Medicare and Medicare Advantage: A Risk-Adjusted Assessment Using Claims Data.Roy A. Beveridge, Sean M. Mendes, Arial Caplan, Teresa L. Rogstad, Vanessa Olson, Meredith C. Williams, Jacquelyn M. McRae & Stefan Vargas - 2017 - Inquiry: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing 54:004695801770910.
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  24. The two systems of learning: an architectural perspective.Ron Sun, Sean M. Lane & Mathews & C. Robert - 2009 - In Jonathan St B. T. Evans & Keith Frankish, In Two Minds: Dual Processes and Beyond. Oxford University Press.
  25.  29
    Legislation governing pluripotent stem cells in South Africa.Michael Sean Pepper, C. Gouveia & M. Nőthling Slabbert - 2015 - South African Journal of Bioethics and Law 8 (2):23.
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    Naps Do Not Change Delay Discounting Behavior in Young Adults.Sean O’Connor, Akshata Sonni, Uma Karmarkar & Rebecca M. C. Spencer - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Book Reviews Section 2.Robert Cowen, Sean D. Healy, Edgar B. Gumbert, Geoffrey M. Ibim, Fannie R. Cooley, Stuart J. Cohen, Maurice F. Freehill, Evan R. Powell, Virginia K. Wiegand, Geraldine Johncich Clifford, Charles E. Mcclelland, George C. Stone, Glenn C. Atkyns, Barbara Finkelstein, Gene P. Agre, Alton Harrison Jr & William G. Williams - 1973 - Educational Studies 4 (4):210-221.
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  28. Risks associated with genetic modification: – An annotated bibliography of Peer reviewed natural science publications. [REVIEW]Sean A. Weaver & Michael C. Morris - 2005 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 18 (2):157-189.
    We present an annotated bibliography of peer reviewed scientific research highlighting the human health, animal welfare, and environmental risks associated with genetic modification. Risks associated with the expression of the transgenic material include concerns over resistance and non-target effects of crops expressing Bt toxins, consequences of herbicide use associated with genetically modified herbicide-tolerant plants, and transfer of gene expression from genetically modified crops through vertical and horizontal gene transfer. These risks are not connected to the technique of genetic modification as (...)
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  29.  51
    Prolonging life and delaying death: The role of physicians in the context of limited intensive care resources.Robert C. McDermid & Sean M. Bagshaw - 2009 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 4:3-.
    Critical care is in an emerging crisis of conflict between what individuals expect and the economic burden society and government are prepared to provide. The goal of critical care support is to prevent suffering and premature death by intensive therapy of reversible illnesses within a reasonable timeframe. Recently, it has become apparent that early support in an intensive care environment can improve patient outcomes. However, life support technology has advanced, allowing physicians to prolong life (and postpone death) in circumstances that (...)
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    Reviewing erroneous information facilitates memory updating.Harold Pashler, Sean Hk Kang & Michael C. Mozer - 2013 - Cognition 128 (3):424-430.
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    Generating the Moral Agency to Report Peers’ Counterproductive Work Behavior in Normal and Extreme Contexts: The Generative Roles of Ethical Leadership, Moral Potency, and Psychological Safety.John J. Sumanth, Sean T. Hannah, Kenneth C. Herbst & Ronald L. Thompson - 2024 - Journal of Business Ethics 195 (3):653-680.
    Reporting peers’ counterproductive work behaviors (CWBs) is important for maintaining an ethical organization, but is a significant and potentially risky action. In Bandura’s Theory of Moral Thought and Action (Bandura, 1991) he states that such acts require significant moral agency, which is generated when an individual possesses adequate moral self-regulatory capacities to address the issue and is in a context that activates and reinforces those capacities. Guided by this theory, we assess moral potency (i.e., moral courage, moral efficacy, and moral (...)
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    Bridging Health Disparity Gaps through the Use of Medical Legal Partnerships in Patient Care: A Systematic Review.Omar Martinez, Jeffrey Boles, Miguel Muñoz-Laboy, Ethan C. Levine, Chukwuemeka Ayamele, Rebecca Eisenberg, Justin Manusov & Jeffrey Draine - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (2):260-273.
    Over the past two decades, we have seen an increase in the use of medical-legal partnerships in health-care and/or legal settings to address health disparities affecting vulnerable populations. MLPs increase medical teams' capacity to address social and environmental threats to patients' health, such as unsafe housing conditions, through partnership with legal professionals. Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Review and Meta-Analyses guidelines, we systematically reviewed observational studies published from January 1993-January 2016 to investigate the capacity of MLPs to address (...)
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  33.  53
    Incidental moods, source likeability, and persuasion: Liking motivates message elaboration in happy people.Robert C. Sinclair, Sean E. Moore, Melvin M. Mark, Alexander S. Soldat & Carrie A. Lavis - 2010 - Cognition and Emotion 24 (6):940-961.
    Happy people often fail to elaborate on persuasive arguments, while people in sad moods tend to scrutinise messages in greater detail. According to some motivational accounts, however, happy people will elaborate a message if they believe it might maintain their positive mood. The present research extends this reasoning by demonstrating that happy people will elaborate arguments from message presenters that convey positive hedonic attributes (i.e., source likeability). In a pilot study, we show that happy people believe persuasive messages from a (...)
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  34.  69
    Democratic Inclusion Beyond the State?Rainer Bauböck, Joseph H. Carens, Sean W. D. Gray, Jennifer C. Rubenstein & Melissa S. Williams - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (1):88-114.
  35.  59
    Concern about Judaizing in Academic Treatises on the Law, c. 1130–c. 1230.Sean Eisen Murphy - 2007 - Speculum 82 (3):560-594.
  36.  82
    Quine against Lewis (and Carnap) on Truth by Convention.Sean Morris - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 99 (3):366-391.
    Many commentators now view Quine's ‘Truth by Convention’ as a flawed criticism of Carnap. Gary Ebbs argued recently that Quine never intended Carnap as his target. Quine's criticisms were part of his attempt to work out his own scientific naturalism. I agree that Carnap was not Quine's target but object that Quine's criticisms were wholly internal to his own philosophy. Instead, I argue that C.I. Lewis held the kind of truth‐by‐convention thesis that Quine rejects. This, however, leaves Carnap out of (...)
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  37.  26
    Searching for Semantic Knowledge: A Vector Space Semantic Analysis of the Feature Generation Task.Rebecca A. Cutler, Melissa C. Duff & Sean M. Polyn - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  38.  76
    Advertisement Disclaimer Speed and Corporate Social Responsibility: “Costs” to Consumer Comprehension and Effects on Brand Trust and Purchase Intention. [REVIEW]Kenneth C. Herbst, Sean T. Hannah & David Allan - 2013 - Journal of Business Ethics 117 (2):297-311.
    It is not uncommon for advertisers to present required product disclaimers quickly at the end of advertisements. We show that fast disclaimers greatly reduce consumer comprehension of product risks and benefits, creating implications for social responsibility. In addition, across two studies, we found that disclaimer speed and brand familiarity interact to predict brand trust and purchase intention, and that brand trust mediated the interactive effect of brand familiarity and disclaimer speed on purchase intention. Our results indicate that fast disclaimers actually (...)
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  39.  33
    History of American Political Thought.John Agresto, John E. Alvis, Donald R. Brand, Paul O. Carrese, Laurence D. Cooper, Murray Dry, Jean Bethke Elshtain, Thomas S. Engeman, Christopher Flannery, Steven Forde, David Fott, David F. Forte, Matthew J. Franck, Bryan-Paul Frost, David Foster, Peter B. Josephson, Steven Kautz, John Koritansky, Peter Augustine Lawler, Howard L. Lubert, Harvey C. Mansfield, Jonathan Marks, Sean Mattie, James McClellan, Lucas E. Morel, Peter C. Meyers, Ronald J. Pestritto, Lance Robinson, Michael J. Rosano, Ralph A. Rossum, Richard S. Ruderman, Richard Samuelson, David Lewis Schaefer, Peter Schotten, Peter W. Schramm, Kimberly C. Shankman, James R. Stoner, Natalie Taylor, Aristide Tessitore, William Thomas, Daryl McGowan Tress, David Tucker, Eduardo A. Velásquez, Karl-Friedrich Walling, Bradley C. S. Watson, Melissa S. Williams, Delba Winthrop, Jean M. Yarbrough & Michael Zuckert - 2003 - Lexington Books.
    This book is a collection of secondary essays on America's most important philosophic thinkers—statesmen, judges, writers, educators, and activists—from the colonial period to the present. Each essay is a comprehensive introduction to the thought of a noted American on the fundamental meaning of the American regime.
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  40. Galilee from Alexander the Great to Hadrian, 323 B C E to 135 C E A Study of Second Temple Judaism.Seán Freyne & Jouette M. Bassler - 1980
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    Exploring the potential utility of AI large language models for medical ethics: an expert panel evaluation of GPT-4.Michael Balas, Jordan Joseph Wadden, Philip C. Hébert, Eric Mathison, Marika D. Warren, Victoria Seavilleklein, Daniel Wyzynski, Alison Callahan, Sean A. Crawford, Parnian Arjmand & Edsel B. Ing - 2024 - Journal of Medical Ethics 50 (2):90-96.
    Integrating large language models (LLMs) like GPT-4 into medical ethics is a novel concept, and understanding the effectiveness of these models in aiding ethicists with decision-making can have significant implications for the healthcare sector. Thus, the objective of this study was to evaluate the performance of GPT-4 in responding to complex medical ethical vignettes and to gauge its utility and limitations for aiding medical ethicists. Using a mixed-methods, cross-sectional survey approach, a panel of six ethicists assessed LLM-generated responses to eight (...)
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    Context and structure: The nature of students' knowledge about three spatial diagram representations.Sean M. Hurley & Laura R. Novick - 2006 - Thinking and Reasoning 12 (3):281 – 308.
    The authors investigated whether college students possess abstract rules concerning the applicability conditions for three spatial diagrams that are important tools for thinking—matrices, networks, and hierarchies. A total of 127 students were asked to select which type of diagram would be best for organising the information in each of several short scenarios. The scenarios were written using three different story contexts: (a) neutral, presenting a real-life situation but not cueing a particular representation; (b) abstract, presenting only variable names and relations; (...)
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    Model phylogenies to explain the real world.Paul H. Harvey, Eddie C. Holmes & Sean Nee - 1994 - Bioessays 16 (10):767-770.
    Phylogenetic trees based on gene sequence data contain information about the evolutionary processes responsible for their genesis. Methods have now been developed which help to reveal those processes. The methods are based on simple models of evolutionary change but, when applied across individuals in a population, rather than across species in a higher‐level taxon, they can reveal the past history of population change. Examples from salamanders and viruses are used to illustrate how the past history of changes in speciation rate (...)
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    Where is my mind?Sean Dyde - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 60:105-108.
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    Bystander Ethics and Good Samaritanism: A Paradox for Learning Health Organizations.James E. Sabin, Noelle M. Cocoros, Crystal J. Garcia, Jennifer C. Goldsack, Kevin Haynes, Nancy D. Lin, Debbe McCall, Vinit Nair, Sean D. Pokorney, Cheryl N. McMahill-Walraven, Christopher B. Granger & Richard Platt - 2019 - Hastings Center Report 49 (4):18-26.
    In 2012, a U.S. Institute of Medicine report called for a different approach to health care: “Left unchanged, health care will continue to underperform; cause unnecessary harm; and strain national, state, and family budgets.” The answer, they suggested, would be a “continuously learning” health system. Ethicists and researchers urged the creation of “learning health organizations” that would integrate knowledge from patient‐care data to continuously improve the quality of care. Our experience with an ongoing research study on atrial fibrillation—a trial known (...)
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  46. The non-conceptual content of perceptual experience: Situation dependence and fineness of grain.Sean D. Kelly - 2001 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 62 (3):601-608.
    I begin by examining a recent debate between John McDowell and Christopher Peacocke over whether the content of perceptual experience is non-conceptual. Although I am sympathetic to Peacocke’s claim that perceptual content is non-conceptual, I suggest a number of ways in which his arguments fail to make that case. This failure stems from an over-emphasis on the "fine-grainedness" of perceptual content - a feature that is relatively unimportant to its non-conceptual structure. I go on to describe two other features of (...)
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  47. Commentaries on David Hodgson's "a plain person's free will".Graham Cairns-Smith, Thomas W. Clark, Ravi Gomatam, Robert H. Kane, Nicholas Maxwell, J. J. C. Smart, Sean A. Spence & Henry P. Stapp - 2005 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 12 (1):20-75.
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  48. The puzzle of temporal experience.Sean D. Kelly - 2005 - In Andrew Brook & Kathleen Akins, Cognition and the Brain: The Philosophy and Neuroscience Movement. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 208--238.
    There you are at the opera house. The soprano has just hit her high note – a glassshattering high C that fills the hall – and she holds it. She holds it. She holds it. She holds it. She holds it. She holds the note for such a long time that after a while a funny thing happens: you no longer seem only to hear it, the note as it is currently sounding, that glass-shattering high C that is loud and (...)
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    Gathering the fragments of an enigma: Heather Wolffram: The stepchildren of science: Psychical research and parapsychology in Germany, c. 1870–1939. Amsterdam, New York: Rodopi, 2009, 342 pp, $91 HB.Sean Dyde - 2010 - Metascience 20 (2):403-405.
    Gathering the fragments of an enigma Content Type Journal Article DOI 10.1007/s11016-010-9493-1 Authors Sean Dyde, Unit for the History and Philosophy of Science, University of Sydney, Carslaw F07, Sydney, NSW 2006, Australia Journal Metascience Online ISSN 1467-9981 Print ISSN 0815-0796.
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    ‘He who helps the guilty, shares the crime’? INGOs, moral narcissism and complicity in wrongdoing.Pete Buth, Benoit de Gryse, Sean Healy, Vincent Hoedt, Tara Newell, Giovanni Pintaldi, Hernan del Valle, Julian C. Sheather & Sidney Wong - 2018 - Journal of Medical Ethics 44 (5):299-304.
    Humanitarian organisations often work alongside those responsible for serious wrongdoing. In these circumstances, accusations of moral complicity are sometimes levelled at decision makers. These accusations can carry a strong if unfocused moral charge and are frequently the source of significant moral unease. In this paper, we explore the meaning and usefulness of complicity and its relation to moral accountability. We also examine the impact of concerns about complicity on the motivation of humanitarian staff and the risk that complicity may lead (...)
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